Monday, December 6, 2010

sliderMaster - MEL Script

While working with dynamics in Maya I had to constantly keep going back and forth between several emitters, particles and fields. I soon realized I would like to have a window that offered me sliders for whatever attribute I would like to tweak.

The idea is to have a simple txt file with attributes listed in it. Using a txt file outside of Maya makes the management of the attributes much more straight forward, you can just open the file and edit it directly.

I just put a button on the shelf and run the script to have the attributes in the window so I can adjust them at will.

(Please send me a message for the code in txt version. I am more than happy to share it with you. This blog did not accept the direct posting of the code.)

This are directions on how to set up:

Hi folks, This is the way it is setup:

-Set your project folder.
-Copy the sliderMasterAttr.txt file to folder mel, inside your project folder.
-Load the script I am sending to you, sliderMaster.mel. I created a button in the shelf here to access it faster. -Open the sliderMasterAttr.txt file in a simple notepad or any text editor really.

When your working in Maya, and you want to tweak something, just go to that txt file and add the name of that object and attribute.

If you want to tweak the intensity of a spot, for instance, you could right mouse button click on the attibute you want, say intensity, and choose create expression. The Expression Editor opens up and you'll see "Selected Object and Attribute" copy that name. In this example it is spotLightShape1.intensity. Paste this in the txt file. Save the file.

If you don't want an attribute listed anymore, just delete it from your txt file.

Working here, I found out that I can leave the file open while in Maya. I just need to save it when I make changes. And by the way, please have only one attribute per line, don't skip lines. Keep only atribute names on the file. (In the file I am sending as an example you'll see three lines, delete those before you put your stuff, as they are not pertinent to your scene).

I guess that's it. I hope it helps you.

This is an example of the contents of the sliderMasterAttr.txt file:


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wind up toy - walkcycle through expressions

The walk cycle of this wind up toy is driven exclusively by a single rotation channel. This was achieved by implementing a system using proxies and expressions.
The goal is to have a rig that allows the user to populate a scene with multiple toys without having to go through the burden of individually adjusting keyframe animation of a machine.
A controller circle's rotation drives the complete walk cycle. The controller also offers additional system parameters should the user choose to change them.

I would like to add that I started this project with no previous knowledge in Mel scripting.
Please see documentation for more details.

Wind up toy - short presentation video

This is just a short presentation of the work that went into it.

Wind up toy - attributes

These are the attributes that control the system.

Wind up toy - expressions

These are the current expressions of the system. Please find below 8 pages.

Wind up toy - expressions (cont.)

expressions (cont.)

Jet interior

Looking for an interior to model, texture and light I found the interior of a jet airplane. This inspired me to design the interior of a private jet for an extravagant but elegant customer such as Prince.

A Wrinkle in Time

This is a study for an adaptation of the novel "A Winkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle into a feature film.
These are just a few of the images and previz clips presented to three concept artists of a large game studio
that were kind enough to come to our finals presentation to critique our work.
I am happy to say that this project was enthusiastically received by the professionals, teacher Andrea Adams and colleagues present.

A Wrinkle in Time (cont.)

The 2D planet is a living breathing system.

A Wrinkle in Time (cont.)

The Tesseract explained to the audience as a natural occurrence in the 2D planet.

A Wrinkle in Time (cont.)

Rough previz of the confrontation between Meg Murry and IT.
IT moves around to confuse our heroes.

New Greek Coffee

Just having a little fun. Spoof add.

Eden Yacht

Nurbs modeling is a lot of fun. This is a model of the Eden Yacht by designer Daniel Hahn.

Dice integration

Simple dice integration to a plate. I used the opportunity to study and use sub surface scattering.

Remote Controlled Car on the 210

Another fun project. What if you saw a remote controlled toy weaving between cars in a highway at 80mph?

My first motion tracking. I think that worked quite well. The integration still needs some work. 1st term work.

Lighthouse for Helgo

This is a lighthouse I designed for a project featuring Helgo, a ghost lighthouse keeper.
The building and details are largely inspired by the art noveau style of Riga, Latvia.

Palm Reader Sign

LA has numerous palm readers. I set out to design a sign for imaginary Mme F.

Bird's Eye Cam

This is a Visual Communication study for a product concept. The product is a point and shoot camera that is thrown in the air for a bird's eye perspective.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Revolver Part Exercise - Fix "step"

Quick fix thanks to Mark Dedecker's input.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Head Exercise

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Candle exercise

Wednesday, April 14, 2010